Saturday, July 19, 2014

Reflections of HOPE: What does that mean? 3 Steps to finding your reflection of hope

Reflections of HOPE.... What is it to you? 3 Steps to finding your reflection of hope.

I was walking around a lake and peeked into the water hoping to find fish or a frog or something to show the kids.  When I bent over I saw a woman that I am not familiar with.  She had her hair back in a pony tail, her skin was weathered.  She looked desperate.  Desperate to find some meaning to where her life is now.  That woman was me.  It has been a loonnngggg journey.   Learning to live with the "new me" has its challenges and its rewards.

Five years ago, our life was shattered.  ALL of our hopes and dreams were all just emptied at the blink of an eye.  Whatever your challenge.... divorce, a loss, addiction, a diagnosis.... all of us lived a certain way, then at the blink of an eye our life is changed.  FOREVER.  I will always be known for Madelynn's mother, you would always be know for Mrs. so and so, or the alcoholic, drug addict, or the person who has a horrible disease.

It is OUR CHOICE, to live in the negative, the poor me I am always a victim lifestyle or you can just get to know the new you and learn to like and appreciate yourself.

Step one: acknowledge your moment.  
Whatever the case....
If you are getting divorced... Remember that there was that one day a long time ago that you loved that man/or woman.  If you have children, remember your child would not be who he or she is without the two of you.  Your spouse may be not the same person you married and you may have grown apart.  But always remember to embrace the time you had together because YOU would not be the same person without each other.  This is the same for loss, addiction and a diagnosis...You will not be the same with or without it....

Step two: The transformation
Gather photos of who you were before the loss, diagnosis, addiction or divorce, and then start to gather pictures of during, and after.  We tend to wear worry on our face.  During our triumphs, we tend to be in denial but pictures say 1,000 words otherwise.
Start to try to envision what you WANT to look like.  Try to envision your face, without the worry, how high you want to hold your shoulders,  or even your strides when you walk.  This is the Reflection stage and the picture in which you are envisioning is your HOPE.

Step Three: The butterfly effect.
Once you get your strength and confidence, you are able to put what you were envisioning into a plan that works for you.  Only you can decide what plan that is.  One the other side of depression, is a beautiful effect.  You can see through the clouds, you can dance in the rain.  Your confidence soars higher then the clouds.  You learn to appreciate your loss, your ex, your diagnosis and addiction.  Because without them, you would not be the person you are today.  Your ability to transform into the butterfly that you are!!!!!

As for me, I am a work in progress.  I am holding onto hope everyday.  My hope is you can do the same :)

FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!! What is your reflection of hope? or the steps to take for it?

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